Monday, April 6, 2009


This photo is of the opening night at the Sportsdome, Jeffersonville, IN. They had a huge turnout of race cars according to my source. Hey Odell, It's "Lil Scoop" I just wanted to pass some racing info along to you. I thought it would be good for the site. There were a lot of tracks in the area that held their opening night last night and The Sportsdrome (Jeffersonville, IN) was one of them. Doodle and I didn't get to go and after seeing this, I'm mad! It looks like they had a great turn out. I was reading on another site and ran across this bit of info and picture. I sure wish BBR had this type of turn out. With this many cars, there had to be some good racing going on. This sure lit a fire under Doodle to get busy on his car so we can go racing with them.:) Hope to see yall at the races soon. Take care and keep taking those great pics! ...They had 22 cars on hand for the Xtreme 8 with 19 starting the feature. The Dromer 8 had 32 cars in the pits with 25 taking the green. In the other divisions, the Oval Xtreme had 30 cars total, the Dromer Oval had 45, and the FWD had their highest total ever at 27... Angie Dickens

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