Friday, September 19, 2008


Danny "GROVE RAT" Marr wins the hard fought Championship for 2008 in the modified street class. Danny seen the ups and downs during the year and still held on to win the championship. Rita Cline the only woman to race in this class gave all she had and then some. Rita finished second in points for 2008. Rita can hold her head up high for that job well done. And I can't end this story without saying that with all the hard battles on the track during 2008 season, Rita and Danny had their share, even with each other. At one point Danny and Rita tried to take each other out of the race and tore up a lot of equipment. With that being said, Danny and Rita finally met face to face like man and woman to work out the differences. They did and raced a very good season to the end. Good job racers! And special congratulations Danny with your championship!

1 comment:

ANG85 said...

Wow! This is was exciting. I know the troubles that Danny and Rita had but that can not take away from the effort either one of them put in. I have watched Rita each and every race to only see her get better and better! I just knew there were a few times she was gonna get her win. Finishing second in the points is nothing to be bummed about. Rita was very excited Friday night, as she should be. As much as I would have loved to seen her get that championship, I am impressed with the dedication she had to "go for it". She never gave up! We are proud of you! Go get it in 09! How bout it?