Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rothe (Beech Bend Raceway Modified Street Class Driver-Tony Rothe #44). I can't believe that christi finally got that ring through your nose, i mean on your finger. On September 13, 2008 the wedding of Tony and Christi took place. Nice Photographer too. Hey NICE car, so cool! We really can't see your faces that good, is that really Tony? No blue jeans, No T-Shirt. Tony in a Suit? and Check out them black patton leather shiny shoes Tony has on!!! Hey guys enough of me trying to be funny. I am happy for you two. Good Luck and may God bless your home for many years to come. Anyone can have a house but it takes true love from both sides to make a HOME. See ya soon. Odell

1 comment:

ANG85 said...

Best wishes and congratulations!