Thursday, February 7, 2008


Billy and I would like to take this time to say we are sorry about our new show not being showed Monday night and again tonight. I can not tell you what is happening. If you feel like you have been cheated from this show call Insight and ask why this show did not come on. I will be going down there in the morning also. Maybe we can work this out or we will dissolve this show. If you don't want us to stop doing the show please call Insight because at this point I have done all I know to do. Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter. I will keep you fine friends posted on this deal. Again, thanks, Odell and Billy


klinger said...

insight is the only cable company the city has, and to be honest there terrible. i hope this gets resolved very quickly, becouse i dont want to see this show resolved i think it will only get bigger...

everyone call and let them know how you feel about it. also we could loby our elected officials to get some other cable companys so insight could have competion.. sorry so long but iam mad as hell...

ANG85 said...

I don't have insight but that was not going to stop me from watching such a great show. The problem is Insight stopped me from watching a great show. I can understand one mistake (Monday)...but TWO?!? I know Billy and Odell have to be frustrated as h*** along with fans, sponsors and the guest. If I know Odell, this will only make him work a little harder and make the show bigger and better. Please don't allow this to end the show! For what it is worth, I am calling insight right now!