Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Nobody is perfect. Not even me. I give my opinion and my opinion is not always right. I always try my best to be fair. You give your opinion, but you don't give your real name. Your comments have been heard. DO YOU STAND BEHIND WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN? If so, then give your real name. You know who I'm am, Odell Turner!!! Who are you? You are not telling, right? If you don't tell my readers who you are, then you are a coward and your comments are not worthy to be on this site. When you personally attack me at least you could tell me who you are, afraid? A coward is; a person lacking courage, a shamefully timed person. If you don't give your name then you are not worth listening to. YOU ARE A COWARD!!!! Stand by what you believe in!!! Really, you say anybody can do a show, you are right. I invite you to get you own show, Insight sales spots everyday. As far as having Mike Mason, Wayne Green, Zoomie and Bo like you stated, yes we are proud to have Bo Miller already confirmed to be on and yes we will have many other drivers. As to your asking why we don't have Dennis White or Ruben Lancaster? We may have them at some point. We are having Bobby White on which is Dennis White's brother and owner of the # 3. I feel like I stand up as much as anyone for the drivers. You say I don't, why would you say that? To anyone reading this it is to the one's making comments to run me down. One last thing, YOU or THE LIKES OF YOU COULD NEVER TEAR ME DOWN! I LOVE STOCK CAR RACING and I enjoy being around my fellow racers. Again, contact me and we will try to work this out. Remember friends, have FUN and GO Fast and Turn Left!!! Odell


domestic goddess said...

Very well said odell. I and many others appreciated this site and the work you and billy have done for the show thus far. There is always a bad apple in every bunch. Keep up the good work guys we support you.

BW36 said...

odell for your information i wasn't running you down i am stating facts and i am not a coward i believe that the race drivers need more important things than a tv show i hope your show goes well i like you as a person i just think you could use your influence to futher do good in the racing business and i don't care who you have on your show but i think you need to better the racing at beech bend and help the drivers make more money are you planning to help the drivers that spend money they don't have to have safer cars you know as a driver your self you don't get 10 cents to the dallor you put in a car back if you win the real money goes to late models and then they don't get hardly anything back and those cars cost alot of money . i just think use your show to do some good that is all i am saying don't make it about rumors like the web site that is all i am stating you could probally get more insite on why dallas don't offer the guys more they are crazy enough to go out there and put the show on what is going to be the focus of your show i know you are going to put questions sent in but what will be the main reason for the show your fame or actually helping the race car drivers . i am not downing i only want to see the race car drivers stick to gether and actually have good racing with out some one getting killed and last year should tell you it is going to happen sorry you felt i was attacking you but when you say show that is what comes in my mind why don't you explain more about what it is you are planning with this show what are you thinking this show will do for the racing community that your website or the radio show don't do is it going to accomplish something or what is the reason will you just tell me what you are wanting to come from the show.

BW36 said...

odell when you answer my questions i will be more than happy to tell you who i am you might like some new insight on what needs to be done . i am all for your show if it is going to help our drivers in some way but i don't think to many of them want to be movie stars and i am not a bad apple i just want the drivers to come out better off anybody that races knows they deserve better benifits than what they get . i think if beech bend wants a better crowd then treat the drivers better and make the drivers happy and dallas make more money so do you think i am wrong

Tammyjo said...

Odell's show is totally different than collecting money to hand over to race car drivers. I know as seeing my father put money in race cars, it can get expensive. It is a hobby and it is your choice to put money in them and race them. Odell does not own Beech Bend, he is only doing something nice for the drivers and fans. By having this site and show hopefully it will bring racers closer instead of having more incidents than last year. I don't think you understand how this could make a significant change for the good in what Odell and Billy are doing. The show is optional to watch BW36 so don't feel that you have to watch it. I would hope that since you are well known at the Bend, maybe you will come around and see that it is something they are doing just because they want to and there should not be an explanation owed to anyone. You have the right to either watch it or don't. It is as simple as that.

ANG85 said...

If you know Billy and Odell as I do and as some of the others on here do than there is no need for additional info on WHY they are doing a tv show. Knowing that both Billy and Odell love the sport and enjoy what racing has to offer is one reason why. Knowing that Billy and Odell enjoy being around some of the people involved in the sport is another reason why. Knowing that Billy and Odell both have a heart of gold and are willing to do whatever they can to help anyone in anyway they can is another. Knowing that both of them know what it takes to be in the sport is another. I can go on and on giving you my speculations as to WHY but there is no need to. Billy and Odell are trying to "better" racing by doing what they are doing. What are you doing to stop all the craziness? I don't think anyone should be knocking the fact that they are doing a tv show. Give credit where credit is do. Stop trying to bring up all the negitative issues that have evolved around racing for years and give your insight on what can be done to make it better. Just stop a minute and realize that Billy and Odell are smart enough people that this show will not turn into some type of "jerry springer-beech bend-knock down-drag out-i'm gonna take you out-you hit my car-i'm gonna this...-i'm gonna that...-free for all" Let's be realistic. Once again, Great job, guys!!! Keep it up! I can't wait to tune in to the first show.

ANG85 said...
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ANG85 said...


BW36 said...

look guys i get what you are saying and hope you all are right i am not knocking the show or what it is about i am saying are you going to make it a good thing and not all the name calling and you are on this site so you know some of the things that was said i am just asking will the show end up the same way or will it be a positive thing come from it i know more people would rather see excitement then fact all the time i am not saying it is a bad thing and i will tune in and watch i just think we could probally do more with it i am not saying don't do it i am only stating my opionion and that is how i feel and i know it is a hobby but get real alot of racers get addicted and spend money they don't have

Tammyjo said...

That is sad too that people spend money they don't have. You have to realize when to stop. I don't feel sorry for people that spend more than they should. You stated above "i am saying are you going to make it a good thing and not all the name calling and you are on this site so you know some of the things that was said i am just asking will the show end up the same way or will it be a positive thing" (direct quote) Odell tries to keep it positive, but the person you were taking up for (hotrod) was the one that was doing all the name calling. Let's just drop this mess and everyone get along please! I am very hurt by whoever would call my Dad a hasbeen or wasbeen, but I have to overlook people with ignorance and realize my father is the best father a girl could ever ask for. He has always made sure that his family has been taken care of. He is a wonderful man, and I am 100% sure whoever wrote the negative comments about him either doesn't know him or is just enjoying the nonsense of trying to get people worked up.

hotrod said...

i didnt say hasbeen i said neverbeen ha ha man yall need to get a job and a life

Tammyjo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BW36 said...

must not have much of a life everytime some one posted something you respond mighty quick

Tammyjo said...

What do you say, I have it made like that. I can just do nothing at work all day and get paid for it. I'm not saying any more to you. You are the same person too.

hotrod said...

hey what does black and white make

hotrod said...
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Tammyjo said...

You got me good!

Big Daddy said...

Just to let everyone know, Odell and I are going to have alot of fun with this show and we truly hope that everyone enjoys it. If you don't like it at first, Just remember you will never know what will happen next week. So keep tuning in.
Also, I would like to take this time to thank everyone that has supported me and Odell, and for Odell & Margaret for giving me the privilege to work beside them. Without them , I know I couldn't do it myself.
To our special guests and sponsers, We definitely couldn't do it without you.
Everyone have a wonderful season.and I will use a quote from my favorite driver. BOOGITY,BOOGITY,BOOGITY !!!!! Lets go racing Boys !!!!

See ya at the Bend !!!

Billy J. Grider

Odell Turner said...

hotrod said...
guys and gals im going to stop agravating yall before i make people mad i love to agravate odel and billy they are good freinds of mine ive done alot for billy and billy has done alot for me same goes for odell odell hope you wasnt talking about me when you said coward if you want to know who hot rod is just think WHO LET YOU WIN YOUR FIRST RACE ON YOUR DAUGHTERS BIRTHDAY AND ALSO ONE OF THE REASONS YOU GOT INTO RACING GUYS GOOD LUCK ON EVERY THING BOTH OF YOU HOTROD OUT LIFE IS ONLY GIGGLES


Odell Turner said...

I am asking all the fine friends and family that jumped in on my behalf, to STOP all the negative comments on this subject. Hotrod has agreed to stop playing with you all. Lets move on as adults and have fun. Sometimes I think we all thank this just a little too serious. Me included. Good Luck to all and lets have fun and keep the comments coming. And agree to disagree but in a civil way. Again thanks to all those who post on this site. Odell

wild woman said...

I think you should have some old driver on your show,by from the 60's and 70's that was racing my husband ran back them and it was some good racing and figer 8.would like to see some pictures of some of the racer then . that would be nice to remember them there are still some around and i know they would like it . seem like no one ever talk about the onces back them .well i hope you do have a good turn out but remember the one before ok thanks


I think what you two guys are doing is great and if anybody doesn't like it, don't watch it and if anybody thinks that they could do better..heck do your own show, and I think having some of the early pioneer racers at the bend on the show would be neat and very interesting and maybe suggesting to Dallas and Clay to have a special night inviting them back to the track and reconizing them would be cool, that place has alot of history.

t d #48 said...

odell, don't worry about a thing, you do a fine job you just need to keep doing what do because you do a fine job,if it was'nt for you we the fan would not have a thing to talk,wonder,speculate,or even talk about,thank's for the oppertunity to let me tell you how i feel,and keep on reporting the bbr news coming our way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Odell Turner said...

Thanks to all you with your good comments. I really do appreciate it. Thanks, Odell