Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Story of the Week.

As the races were over and the drivers were leaving the pits, a driver stopped me and told me this.  He said he would not be back to Beech Bend Raceway. Apparently some of the drivers got mad at him. I think you front Runner drivers need to post on here and ask him to come on back. If you use your car to take him out you are just a sore loser in my opinion. This is why we don't have car count now, or in part why we don't have more cars. Be a good sportsman and have fun racing. The driver is #23 Tommy Hoover. Tommy hope you change your mind.


Tommy Hoover #23 said...

And the story is true i was lookin for a reason to get out and i got it fri nite.all i can say is that if Brandon is upset with me im sorry and thank you for opening my eyes.you showed me that no matter how nice or clean you try to treat someone it is not always taken the way you wanted it to.and thats your opinion noone trying to change that.but with the rule change (pushed by somone that i have not seen at track this year surprise surprise)and the lack of enthusiasum with my best friend and car builder Anthony passing away in feb from brain cancer i have just not been into it like i have before.to the drivers in the 2 classes i will miss racing with you more than anything yall are the best group of guys around.and to the fans the ones that cheered thank you from the bottom of my heart you made it worth showin up each week.and for the ones booing thank you too cause at least you was there filling the stands and thats what Dallas needs rite now is support.i will be at track from time to time and will be in touch.again THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES!!! P.S the altima has been sold and my trailer is for sale too so if interested please contact me.im sure if you contact Odel he will get in touch with me .again thank you

Anonymous said...

tommy i would like for u to come back because we all racing with u. i mean ur the reason why we all go back home and do are home work because ur car is that fast. yea i dont like it when ppl use there car as a tool and just hit ppl but u cant let them get to u. because if u the he will just keep doing. look the SDR team would want u to come back we are all in the tothger has a family ok.

raceacar01 said...

Come on Tommy Hoover you are the Jimmie Johnson of Front Runners. You are even the next Kyle Busch. And we need the car count. You and Josh Wyatt put on a great show racing against each other.

Jerry Jones said...

we'll he sounds alot like my dad got tired of the crap and decided to quit. Yeah it sucks to lose cars but you gotta do what your heart is telling you. The truth be told if Dallas would treat the drivers better lower the gate admission and raise the purse he might actually be able to fill the seats and get his car count up. You can go to most of the other tracks here in Ky or Tn and make a lot better money. He hasn't cared anything about the stock racers in along time. For him it's all about the drag racers. You know me personally would like to see him give us guys that bust are butts we end week out a chance to shine. You can't build a new car and get it running the way you want it to if you can never race. If things don't get better I may soon enough pull my car and take it else where. The racers of Beech Bend want to race so maybe Dallas can get out there and try to get him some help so he can run some big races for all his divisions and get some guys to come out and race. Hopefully Tommy will change his mind but it sounds like he's done made it up. As for him talking about the rule change that kinda stuff is one the biggest things that has hurt Beech Bends car count because most people
can't afford to drop thousands of dollars in there car because someone that doesn't even plan on bringing a car out. As someone that races at Beech Bend and has had a father race at Beech Bend and been going since I was little it's time for the drivers to make a stand. Dallas needs to start doing a better job on the Race Track side or i'm afraid there wont be any more races in years to come.

Jerry Jones said...

You gonna post my comment are What? I thought the purpose of a blog was to speak your mind and I put out there what the obvious problem with beech bend Is.

Odell Turner said...

Jerry, I have put your post on here. I feel your pain and the other drivers on some of your commnets. However, as a business person myself I understand where Dallas is coming from. You talk about more money at other tracks. That is NOT true! They may pay a little more on payout but by the time you pay more to get there like, gas (almost $4.00 per gallon) pull your car to another track and write down your gas milage, wear and tear on truck, trailer and etc. then tell me you make more money? As for the rules, who makes the rules? Dallas Jones? NO you racers do. I go to the drivers meetings every years abd set in every class. And you guys and gals change the rules. It is done by VOTE. You can leave Beech Bend anytime you want to. Just remember if you don't support our track, someday you may not have it. Highland Rim, Kentucky Motor Speedway and other track are very nice tracks, but if they are all you have and NO Beech Bend It will get old pulling every weekend over an hour one way. Plus I think you wouldn't like things at there track either after a short time of racing there. All tracks have good and bad things. I know this for a fact as I have raced at all the traacks around myself as a racer. Come on guys support your local track!