Monday, April 4, 2011

Interview of the weekend.

Most drag racers know this guy, but the fans in the stands may only know the car and name.  So it was my privilege to talk with Trance Baker.  Q: Where did you start drag racing?  A: Beech Bend Raceway Park.  Q: When was that first race? A: In the mid 70's.  Q: What was your first car? A: It was a 1955 Ford.  Q: What was your biggest win or event that stands out in your mind? A: Well I geuss it would be the Super Chevy Event, I was the Champion of that event.  Q: What was the worst day or event? A: It was in the early 90's that a Transmission broke in between 1/8 and 1/4 mile and I ran over it and almost turned that car over.  Q: How long have you been racing? A: I started early but full time it has been 31 years.  Q: Can you share your age? A: Sure, I just turned 61 back in August.  Q: What is your job away from the race track? A: I own Bakers Collision Center, Franklin, Ky.  Q: What is your hometown? A: Franklin, Ky.  Q: What is something that you can share with my readers that they may not know? A: For one thing I enjoy the friendship of racing. It's not all about winning. It's about having fun and keeping kids off the street. I helped start the Jr Dragsters.  Dallas had a couple cars and I took some kids to other tracks to race.

NOTE: Summary from Odell.  First I would like to thank Trance for taking time to talk to me. I have heard a lot about this man from many other drivers. Mostly young guys trying to get a start in racing.  Trance has been very instrumental in bringing young guns into NHRA racing at Beech Bend.  After talking to Trance I have a lot of respect for the man.  So in closing the next time you are at Beech Bend Raceway and in the stands you will know what he looks like from my photo. You can also feel good about cheering him on to victory. Again, thanks Trance. (Feel free to leave your comments)

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