Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to.......

Odell, Tammy Dickens, the late Marsha Melton, Shannon Cole
Tammy is the wife of figure-8 driver Kevin Dickens, Marsha was the former Beech Bend Raceway Track Photographer and wife of former driver Meryl Melton and mother of driver Matt Melton and his sister Miranda.  Shannon Cole is a derby driver.  And me (Odell) former stock car driver and current Beech Beech Raceway Track Photographer.


sarah said...

happy birthday to all.
bobby & sarah white

Anonymous said...

happy birth day 2all!!!! and to matt and myranda your mother was a beautifull and great woman!!WMS80!

Tammyjo said...

Happy Belated Birthday to all! Hope everyone had a great one and I love you Daddy!