Wednesday, September 30, 2009


A source tells me that Jerry Cohron and Jay Parrish are building a new car for the Frank Kimmel Series for the 2010 season.


Anonymous said...

yeah thats what we heard to and that paul watkins is the driver!

Odell Turner said...

No, not what I was told. The source I talked to is close to the race team. And I was told that Jay Parrish is for sure the driver.

Anonymous said...

ole jack roush is gonna try to get r done some where else instead of the great beechbend finally. best of luck !

Anonymous said...

ole jerry roush should hire bo miller to run the kimmell series for him,they might actually win a race or two....

Anonymous said...

Jay is definitely our driver!!! We also just got in a tractor trailer load of 980's if anyone is interested.


Anonymous said...

yea by cheating.

DavidJay79 said...

First things first... if your going to talk about someone... have the BALLS to put your name to it... i understand that either... A. you don't have balls (cause your a female) in which case when you get up enough nerve to run over 100mph for laps on end, you can talk... B. you don't have balls (cause your a guy who is to scared to come run on the big tracks) than why even open your mouth??? But than who am i to talk, I'm just Jay Parrish's son... I've raced a hand full of times on BBR track... That is why I don't say much, but when you go after my father i talk... and maybe just maybe my father could have already won a race, with your help MR/MRS Anonymous... but you want to slam on my dad cause he is doing something that you want to... well work your ass off like he does, save some money, buy our old car and come race on the big tracks...