Friday, July 31, 2009


I have sit back and read your post about Anthony, Daymond, Tony and Danny. I don't pretend to know everything, but one thing I know is hate will KILL the soul of man. In this sport (Stock Car Racing) it is very competitive, close hard nose type of sport such as rubbing fenders. If we love the sport and want to keep it going then we MUST stop all this HATE. I believe you have to love yourself before you can have love for your brother. Loving yourself will give you peace. Then you can love others and be able to forgive and forget. Sure it is easier said than done. And often times the other party involved doesn't have that love and respect for himself. He may attack you anyway. But remember you and only YOU are responsible for your own actions. There are men, women and children sitting in the stands each week watching your every move. How do you think they remember you? As a great driver and a great person? Maybe some of you don't really care. You are the ones that don't have any respect or love for your own self. Winning is not all about crossing the line first but being a real man or woman, and it's for sure that with all the fussing NO ONE IS A WINNER. Remember, lose your respect from others and you've lost everything. I must admit, I have gotten caught up in this HATE thing and it seems that it is just the natural thing for stock car racing, not so. After spending some time with the drag racing guys, it is so much more peaceful and FUN. I for one am going to try to change my ways and I'm calling on you the drivers, fans and etc. to lets put FUN and respect for one and other back in the sport that I love the most. You will still get mad in a race but don't fight, fuss and cuss. Go to the driver, just you and the driver talk, no crew and other people, just the two of you and then talk it out like real men should. It's much better to work it out than to fight and go to jail or tear up your car that you and your family don't have money to make repairs. I guess you think I have lost my mine with this sermon, but no I haven't, it's just that I love Stock Car racing and like all you guys and gals (maybe not all of your ways) but really most of you are great people. Lets be a big happy racing family. Thanks for reading this, yours truly Odell Turner



Odell,i think its funny how u claim this blog site is for local racing,rumors,and news yet u wont post (all) the comments posted by the race fans that does not contain explicit language or content! You claim to have an unbiased opinion and say that your not in anyones pocket,well step up and PROVE IT! Racers and fans alike are seeing a PATTERN developing here.You only post the comments that keep YOUR so called BAD GUYS in trouble!Remember everyone has an opinion and be it good or bad as long as your GUIDE LINES are followed (NO CUSSING OR HILLBILLY SPELLING)we think you should post ALL of them!Keep in mind YOU called it local racing news and rumors not the racers or the fans!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say the so called (Bad Guy) usually keeps theirself in trouble . And everyone who knows anything about racing knows that and who that is (fan at the track since 1985)

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say the so called (Bad Guy) usually keeps theirself in trouble . And anybody who knows anything about racing knows that and who that is (fan at the track since 1985)


Like i said everyone has an opinion, be it good or bad. Just saying that this site was started for racing news and rumors!Myself and others have posted comments on here voicing our opinions on things that have happened following(THE GUIDE LINES)set by Odell to never see them posted!He made the rules and as long as they are followed ALL comments SHOULD be POSTED! Even if they are in favor of the not so POPULAR drivers!!!EVERYONE HATES A WINNER BUT CANT STAND TO LOSE!!! NOW GETCHA SOME!!!And while we are at,would u people quit hiding behind anonymous!!! PUT A NAME OR AFFILIATION!!!

Anonymous said...

i was wondering if the people that is always whining think that these anonymous postings could be asosiated with their own team? (just a little food for thought)