Monday, July 20, 2009


Ryan's Steakhouse Sportsman 1. Robert Cohron 2. Kevin Lamastus 3. Daymond Long 4. Phillip Akin 5. Jason Floyd 6. Joe Paul Reynolds 7. Brian Cherry 8. Matt Melton


Anonymous said...

great job robert that stroker motor sure does get down the straight aways fast.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know what happened to cherry#22,he was coming thats 4sure

Anonymous said...

joe renolds is gettin better everyweek that car looked good during qualifing,joe keep it up you guys r heading the right way you will b crossing the scales very soon, best lookin car on the track keep makin laps(seat time)!!!

Rastus Racefan said...

sportman is starting to be fun aggain.
I just wish pawl watkins was racin

Anonymous said...

Cherry lost his transmission. Man
he sure looked fast on the outside passing cars. Yes he was coming to front.

Anonymous said...

hammers comin back friday gotta new fresh set of tires and that 406 or 383 or 377 or what ever it takes he is ready to go, lookin for that first sportsman win. he isnt racin for points he is racin for wins!hate the game not the player!you can do it hammer!!!

hammerheads wifey said...

Well i see no one has posted anything about the stunt daymond long pulled out on the track friday night when he run ALL over hammerhead not once but two or three times. So i will bring it up!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS UP WITH YOUR DRIVIN FRIDAY NIGHT YOU WAS OUT OF CONTROL!!!! Hammerhead is on his best behavior & it seems that everyone is trying to MAKE him retalate on them so they can make him the bad guy again. Well i think it is time to stop the no scine cause its getting VERY old!!!! Daymond you might have been able to save & tire if you would have drove the car like you had some scense! NO hammerhead is not mad about it but i am cause we had to spend more money & also had to work on the car AGAIN cause someone always wants to run all over him & it never fails its always something! So do me a favor & stop giving my husband a hard time on the track this sport is for fun not for people to play games!!! If you win you win if you dont then you just dont so just have fun & be a sport about it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In response to "Wifey" made the comment this is for why don't you realize that?! You and the rest of the Hammerhead Humdingers are "getting old"...if yall haven't figured it out by now, yall are the only ones that care!!! If yall didn't try to make him out to be something or someone he isn't then there wouldn't have ever been much said about your precious hubby! It's not our fault that we don't put him on the pedstal yall do. Have you ever stop to think that you and the others that worship Anthony are the reason people precive him the way they do? For instance, as I was walking through the pits, I asked one of your crew members what they were doing (general conversation question) and he states to me "working on junk" (he was referring to the car that is owned by The Watkins') Now, how am I or anyone else suppose to respect your husband and the crew when they refer to someone's property as "junk". Epsically when that other person is doing him a favor by putting him in the driver's seat. I wouldn't take the chance of making enemies by putting him on a bicycle. Sweetie, it's time to get over yourselves, k?! Taw Taw for now!

Anonymous said...

well, hammerhead and macho wanna be wifey NO ONE WANT'S YOU ALL AT BBR. take a clue and disappear for good and by no means come back, if that's the reply you're looking for. as everything else seems to make you all wanna initiate crap and nonsense. did you ever consider that hammerheads car getting screwed up a great deal has to do with, perhaps, his crappy inexperienced driving techniques? it could be. and i bet now you’re going to get ticked at poor ole Doc for his utterly blameless wreck this Friday, for the reason that Doc seriously would NOT do that on purpose particularly by means of that not being his car. BABY comprehend that ACCIDENTS DO HAPPEN!!!! STUDY THIS dear!!!! and stop wallowing in yalls dim-witted revulsion for each driver in that freaking class kay babe =]. you act like every person is out to get your freaking husband, well their NOT!!!! and perhaps you ought to be trained to let you're aggressive husband WRESTLE his own battles lol haha, Anthony can appear to alter his manner but nothing can make his temper be gone for good now can they, nope they can't. AKA become skilled at when you ought to keep your mouth closed [for illustration on that stupid instigating statement you prepared] and leave things unaided. this had zilch to do with Anthony didn’t it? Yep zip to do with Anthony! you just like rousing things don't you? you unconfident, everyone's out to get my husband, lets make people mad, little witch!