Saturday, July 19, 2008


Modified Street Driver #10 Joey Stancil was taken by ambulance to the Medical Center last night. Around midnight he was taken into surgery. He was in surgery until a little after 4:00 a.m. this morning. Joey had a Rod put in his leg from the knee to his ankle and screws. He was to be in therapy today. He may get to go home late Saturday. Joey our thoughts and prayers are with you.


docracing said...

Get well soon, need some 292 lift

docracing said...

Get well quick, need your 292 lift

ANG85 said...

Joey, we are wishing you a fast and speedy recovery. Hang in there! If you or Bobbi need anything...let us know! Get well soon!

Angie and Doodle

Tammy said...

Joey Get well soon! If you need some wings call me I will deliver haha Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and Bobbie ..... Tammy and Daymond

docracing said...

Tammy and Daymond,

Call me when you order, I will meet ya at Joey's, he will need assistance..Doc

Tammy said...

Doc we will not leave you out we will call you over to help eat wings haha .... you are a mess.. and i love your comments on the site ... Lets all stand up for Joey and Bobbie they are great people..... and who cares what others think about odells web site here if you do not like it do not go to it the truth hurts ..... Odell is a great person too..... Thanks Tammy

Big Daddy said...

Joey, Hope you are doing feeling better, We are all thinking of you and Bobbi.I personnally appreciate everything you two have done to help the racing community. You both are truly wonderful people.

Billy & Melissa

Tammyjo said...

I am just now getting on the site. We have been out of town. I just wanted to let you know that Mike and I are thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You and Bobbie are great people and I am glad we have gotten to know you guys! Get well soon!

#10checkwritter said...

Again we would like to thank everyone for they prayers and thoughts. I take him back to doctor tomorrow and we hope to find out more about his leg. He is being a pretty good patient. We will be going by BBR while we are out tomorrow and turn his transponder in. As of right now he will not be out Friday night to watch he is just not in the mood to sit to long. All he does is lay with his leg elevated. We have talked and I plan on finishing my obligations to the drivers, fans, and family at BBR. We would like to send a SPECIAL THANK YOU TO Harold Peacock,Hillvue Heights Baptist Church, Brad James and his paint crew on finishing up the job Joey was doing. Also to everyone that has posted and supported us through this. You never know what is going to happen in life until it happens to you and we know this is meant to bring us closer in life and faith.