Saturday, June 2, 2007


I was leaving the track last night (Friday) and seen a large group of people gathered around the M1 car driven by Mike Mason. Listening to the parties involved I heard them saying that that car was not Mike Mason's and Mike said it was. The Family of Steve Wyatt was claiming it was their car and that Mike took it from their home. Mike did leave with the car. I don't know who's car it is, but I just wonder if Mike will be back Friday night racing the figure-8.?


Anonymous said...

the motor and trans belongs to the rollin chassis is steve wyatts mike owns the radial tires so M1 has 3 owners

Anonymous said...

Steve should go get his car back before mike destroys it. that car could be a sportsman or a modified street no problem

Anonymous said...

Steve you should go get your car! Mike is gonna tear it up a long w/bubby o's car!

Anonymous said...

Steve you need to get your car back before mike destroys it.I also heard that Mike is going to destroy Bubbio's car as well. Friday night will be excitement...Get'em Mike!!!!!

Anonymous said...

steve u want have a car after fridaynite bubbio want either if u dont stand up and go get ur car back. mikes got plans watch what i'm tellin you

Anonymous said...

all i have to tell mike is to hit it with your best shot bad boy

Anonymous said...

I hope Mike will be back on Friday because he has been racing forever. I can't imagine what it would be like without him.

Anonymous said...

i hope mike destroys the 34 car then that little midget man that owns it will quit bragging about his junky car

Anonymous said...

june8th.. get your tickets ,, tickets available,,figure 8 demolition derby.. excitement at its best , here at the only place on earth that allows racers to use there cars as deadly weapons!!! get out on the track get chased bye cars throw helmets at your competitors ,, get your tickets now! .. dont wait 4 DALLAS TO STOP IT cause everone knows thats not gonna happen,,,get your tickets now!

Anonymous said...

"all i have to tell mike is to hit it with your best shot bad boy" we all know who you are so why hide under anonymous said?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i haven't been to the races in a while but i try to keep up with what is going on. this website is one way i can do that. but as i read the comments like destroying someone's car (or someone for that matter)it makes me stop and think. people wonder what is wrong with beechbend. this is what is wrong. no wonder dallas cant gain control. the patrons of beechbend are what is causing beechbend to go down hill. and it is the same people yr after yr. they will be the only ones left standing when the gates closed. this is sad

Anonymous said...

It is NOT Dallas or Beech Bend that is causing this, it is just people that don't have sense. If you stay out of it, then you are fine; but when you start running your mouth, there is going to be problems. That is anywhere at any race track!

Anonymous said...

what is going on is people that dont race dont need to be in the pits anyway also they need to stay out of other peoples business

Anonymous said...

you know what they say about midgets they might be short but they can get the job done would the ones talking about midgets like some

Anonymous said...

I go to the pits because I have friends and family that race. I don't think that is the problem or concern. I also don't stick my nose where it doesn't belong unless it pertains to myself or my family. I just love Beech Bend, and I am so tired of hearing all the negativety about it. Beech Bend is a wonderful asset to Bowling Green and we should all be on here to talk about the fun and good instead of the bad.